Universidade de Coimbra Alta e Sofia — Candidatura a património mundial

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University Palace

College of jesus

Royal College of Arts

College of S. Jerónimo

College of São Bento

Holy Trinity College

College S. Ant. da Pedreira

College of Santa Rita

University Press

Chemistry Laboratory

Melo's House

Boiler House

Faculty of Letters

General Library

Archive of the University

Faculty of Medicine

Dep. of Physics and Chemistry

Dep. of Mathematics

Coimbra Student Union

Botanical Garden

Old Cathedral

College of Arts - Inquisition

College of Espírito Santo

College of Carmo

College of N. Sra. da Graça

College S. Pedro dos Terceiros

College S. Tomás de Aquino

College of São Boaventura

Sub-Ripas Palace

College of S. Agostinho

Santa Cruz Monastery