Universidade de Coimbra Alta e Sofia — Candidatura a património mundial

Sub-Ripas Palace
Built on the site of a former military tower that was part of the city wall and adjoining houses.

Art and Architecture
Sub-Ripas Palace was built on the site of a former military tower that was part of the city wall and adjoining houses.
The two buildings that gave rise to the palace became known as the Upper House, or Arch House, and the Lower House, or Tower House. The two are connected by a perpendicular, closed arch over the street.
The Tower House was acquired by the State in 1974. In the following decades, some of the internal areas were reconstructed and renovated in order to prevent their degradation. The last intervention, supervised by architect António Madeira Portugal was awarded the Europa Nostra Prize.
In 1987, the Tower House was ceded to the University of Coimbra. The Upper House has remained a private residence.
The façade has three sections, the first containing an elaborate doorway in Manueline style.
In several interior spaces it is still possible to find Manueline multilobular arches and several small sets of geometric cuenca tiles.

Proposed Intervention
The aim of the proposed intervention is essentially to conserve and restore the existing structures in order to eliminate defects caused by the use of inadequate materials in previous interventions as well as damage resulting from the natural wear and tear of time. In a few areas, such as the main passage zone and the toilets, which were significantly altered when compared to the original structure, the use of space is to be redefined in order to enhance the building and make it more functional.
The networks of infrastructures are to be revised and made compatible with the specific character of the building.
The present programme will remain as is, with areas for administrative services, a library and its support spaces (deposits and offices), and a small classroom.