Universidade de Coimbra Alta e Sofia — Candidatura a património mundial

College of São Boaventura
The construction of the College initiated in 1543 and, in 1715, the building underwent renovations.

Art and Architecture
The construction of the College initiated in 1543 and, in 1715, the building underwent renovations.
After the extinction of the religious orders in 1834, the College was closed down. The building complex already showed some signs of decay when it was occupied, in 1836, by local establishments and organisations, such as the Theatrical Society of St. Bonaventure’s College and a foundry and locksmithery. In 1859, the whole building was bought by a private party, and some years later a fourth floor was added, disfiguring its upper part.
Despite the damage inflicted by continuous use, it is still possible to recognise some elements of its original architectural features on the outside and in the spatial organisation inside. The main façade of the building, with pilasters and corners set on strong supports, still displays the outline of the early College chapel.
The interior of the building still preserves a number of structural elements of the former College, such as the vaults that probably belonged to the refectory, and some staircases.

Proposed Intervention
The present proposal aims to eliminate all the spurious elements that mar the typological integrity of the building. It is the case of the mezzanine floors built in the former church and the fourth floor. The church will be reinterpreted.
Although the building is well preserved, most of the spaces will undergo some form of intervention – either maintenance or rehabilitation.